Lexicare Tablet

Lexicare Tablet

Natural solution for the symptoms of Digestion.

Product Description
  • The natural solution for the symptoms of digestion.
  • With a potent combination of herbs, it acts as a laxative for relief from constipation.
  • Supports normal stomach clearance.
  • A blend of clinically studied herbs that helps in relieving constipation.
  • Senna contains glycosides, which work as a powerful laxative by stimulating the intestinal muscles.
  • Laxicare improves digestion and thus corrects the imbalance of Doshas in a natural way.
  • Harad helps in stimulating appetite, acts as a laxative, and helps cleanse the stomach.
  • Kala namak is considered a cooling spice in Ayurveda and is used as a laxative and digestive aid.
  • Recommended by Herbalist, Naturopaths and Ayurvedic physicians.
  • It known to give relief from abdominal discomforts and other symptoms related to digestive system.  
Ingredients Composition [Lexicare Tablet ]

Indrayan Root

इंद्रायण मूल

50 mg.



107.5 mg.

Kala Dana

काला दाना

70 mg.



70 mg.

Harad Chhilka


50 mg.

Kala Namak

काला नमक

50 mg.



100 mg.

Shuddha Gandhak

शुध्द गंधक

2.5 mg.

  • Constipation - कब्ज
  • Indigestion - अपच
  • Feeling of fullness - पेट भरा रहना
  • Abdominal discomfort - पेट में बेचैनी
  • Loss of appetite - भूख में कमी

1-2 Tablets twice a day or as directed by the physician.

1.2 टैबलेट दिन में दो बार अथवा चिकित्सकीय परामर्शानुासर।


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