Sleep Relax Capsule

Sleep Relax Capsule

Refreshing you whole day

Product Description
  • Reduces stress related anxiety and irritability.
  • Provides deep and restful sleep.
  • No habit forming.
  • Refreshed feeling in morning.
  • Potential sleep enhancing properties.
  • Manages circulation rhythm.
Ingredients Composition [Sleep Relax Capsule]

Sarpgandha Extract

सर्पगंधा एैक्सट्रैक्ट

25 mg.

Prabhakar Vati

प्रभाकर वटी

50 mg.



25 mg.

Ashwagandha Extract

अष्वगंधा एैक्सट्रैक्ट

100 mg.



25 mg.

Prawal Panchamrit

प्रवाल पंचामृत

25 mg.

Khurasani Ajwain

खुरासनी अजवाइन

10 mg.

Pipla Mool

पीपला मूल

10 mg.

Jatamansi Extract

जटामांसी एैक्सट्रैक्ट

100 mg.

Shuddha Gandhak

षुध्द गंधक

15 mg.

Amalaki Rasayan

आमलकी रसायन

15 mg.

Swarnamakshik Bhasma

स्वर्णमाक्षिक भस्म

50 mg.

Akeek Pishti

अकीक पिश्टी

50 mg.

  • Chronic and acute insomnia/ Disturbed sleep - अनिद्रा
  • Anxiety and nervousness - चिंता एवं घबराहट
  • Abnormal heartbeat and palpitation. - असामान्य धङकन
  • Irritability - बेचैनी
  • Poor circadian rhythm - सोने में परेशानी

1-2 Capsule thrice a day with warm water (in the case of High Blood Pressure), 1-1 capsule twice a day (in normal condition), or as directed by the physician.

1.2 कैप्सूल दिन में तीन बार (उच्च रक्तचाप में) एवं 1.1 कैप्सूल दिन में दो बार (सामान्य स्थिति में)गर्म पानी के साथ अथवा चिकित्सकीय परामर्शानुासर।


It should be taken under medical supervision.

इसे चिकित्सकीय देखरेख में लें।


Plant derived drugs have been used since antiquity for the treatment of insomnia. Many of them are available as over-the-counter (OTC) preparations in various countries. Their efficacy has been reported in animal studies and studies are also being done to establish the effectiveness of these herbal remedies in humans.


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